Posts Tagged ‘Jefferson Davis’

Finding the ways we honor U.S. Presidents in Richmond

Thomas Jefferson has a statue in the lobby of the Jefferson HotelRichmond has statues, monuments or cemetery statuary for five U.S. Presidents:

For the Southerners, Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederacy and has a monument on Monument Avenue and is buried at Hollywood Cemetery.

See more statues and monuments or check for where they are located on the Statues and Monuments page.

Jefferson Davis on Monument Avenue

Jefferson Davis on Monument Avenue in Richmond, VirginiaWHAT: Confederate President Jefferson Davis on Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia.

WHERE: Monument and Davis avenues, in the center of the intersection.

ARTIST: Edward V. Valentine.

DEDICATION: June 3, 1907.

DESCRIPTION: A 7 1/2 foot high standing figure of bronze atop a 12 foot granite pedestal. This grouping stands in front of a 67 foot high column on top of which is another Valentine sculpted allegorical figure of the South “Vindicatrix.” The column stands in front center of a semi-circle classical colonnade of 13 Doric columns. William C. Noland of Richmond designed the entire monument.

Close up image of Jefferson Davis on Monument Avenue